Early Access
Indirect simultaneous eddy-current measurements of subsurface profiles of electrophysical properties of planar objects using apriori knowledge about them
Volodymyr Ya. Halchenko, Ruslana Trembovetska, Volodymyr Tychkov
In-situ characterization of GaN material using reflectance spectroscopy
Piotr Pokryszka, Wojciech Kijaszek, Sergiusz Patela, Andrzej Stafiniak, Mateusz Wośko, Regina Paszkiewicz
Design and evaluation of nonlinear focused ultrasonic field mapping and measurement system
Moad Essabbar, Gilles Despaux, Emmanuel Le Clézio
A multi-scale time segments attention mechanism for sensor-based human activity recognition
Hailong Rong, Hao Wang, Xiaohui Wu, Tianlei Jin, Ling Zou
Nondestructive detection of ceramic ball surface defects based on improved YOLOv8
Guo-Qing Gu, Han-Lei Wang, Xu-Yi Miao, Jing-Yi Yan, Jian-Zhou Du
Methodological approach for the measurement of ball bearing grooves geometric parameters based on coordinate measuring machine
Chenghao Yu, Dongyang Huang
Detection of steel pipeline without removing cladding based on differential compensation probe
Xinhua Wang, Zisheng Guo, Tao Sun, Naixiang Hu, Peng Gao, Lin Yang, Ghulam Rasool, Yongsheng Qi
Analyzing BaSrTiO3 gas sensor properties under NO2 exposure: the impact of impedance spectroscopy
Bartłomiej Szafraniak, Łukasz Fuśnik, Jie Xu, Feng Gao, Andrzej Brudnik, Sabina Drewniak, Erwin Maciak, Łukasz Błajszczak, Artur Rydosz
Kernel extreme learning machine combined with gray wolf optimization for temperature compensation of pressure sensors
Huan Wang, Ting Wu, Pan Liu, Yijun Zou, Qinghua Zeng
Efficient procedure for freeform surfaces accuracy assessment
Małgorzata Poniatowska
System for measuring electric parameters of thermoelectric cell battery of a sectional module with thermogenerators
Mirosław Neska, Tadeusz Opara
Development of four-terminal pair sampling-based digital impedance bridge
Krzysztof Musioł, Marian Kampik
Functional parameters of sensors for the extended cross-float method
Adam Brzozowski, Roman Szewczyk, Piotr Gazda, Michał Nowicki
Algorithm for compensation of external influences upon metal oxide gas sensors using the datasheet characteristics
Cristian Fosalau, Doru Cornei, Cristian Zet
Coupling error model of 3-DOF compliant stage based on parallelogram mechanism
Huaibo Qiang, Hongxi Wang, Qiang Huang
Computational fluid dynamic as an engineering tool for the reconstruction of blood hemodynamics and spatial configuration before and after endoleak appearance
Andrzej Polanczyk, Aleksandra Piechota-Polanczyk, Agnieszka W. Piastowska-Ciesielska, Ihor Huk, Christoph Neumayer, Patricia Pia Wadowski, Julia Balcer, Michal Strzelecki
An automl based comparative evaluation of machine learning methods for the detection of the eccentricity faults of induction motors by using vibration signals
Eyüp Irgat, Abdurrahman Ünsal
H∞ control and experimental study of MR semi-active suspension with actuator response delay
Renkai Ding, Ping Wang, Anze Li, Ruochen Wang, Dong Sun, Ke Xu
Alternative to laser vibrometers: A non-contact vibration measurement based on enhanced laser speckle pattern and stroboscopic sampling
Ibrahim Yildiz
Simple and accurate method to evaluate type a standard and expanded uncertainties of measurement for the Laplace distributed observations
Mykhaylo Dorozhovets
Vehicle speed determination with inductive-loop technology and fast and accurate fractional time delay estimation by DFT
Krzysztof Duda, Zbigniew Marszalek
Eddy current-based measurement system for evaluating fiber distribution to predict cracks in steel fiber-reinforced concrete: experimental study
Loukmane Gherdaoui, Samir Bensaid, Nacira Saoudi, Didier Trichet, Hamza Houassine
Enhanced diagnosis and monitoring of broken rotor bar faults in induction motors using a combined CEEMDAN-MLP approach
Bilal Djamal Eddine Cherif, Hilal Rahali, Sara Seninete
Application of wavelet exponential window denoising and dynamic uncertainty in acoustic emission
Lide Fanga, Jianzhang Suna, Meng Zhenga, Qiaoqiao Zengc, Fang Donga, Yue Fengb
Power-of-sine windows as generalized maximum sidelobe decay windows – theory and properties: A review and new results
Józef Borkowski, Adam Matusiak
Device for dynamic calibration of pressure sensors
Myroslav Tykhan; Viktor Markovych; Vitalii Heneralov; Marian Milian
Identification of step-index fibers by static light scattering
Grzegorz Świrniak
A method for reducing the length difference of Vickers indentation diagonal
Hao Li, Mingyang Yu, Qingdong Zhang, Bin Wang
Energy-efficient distributed estimation algorithm for wireless sensor networks based on covariance intersection with eigendecomposition
Przemysław Pasek, Piotr Kaniewski
Measurement systems of an electromagnetic field for aircrafts with the use of machine learning model
Joanna Michalowska, Pawel Tomilo
Fitting method of spinning projectile tri-orthogonal geomagnetic output based on improved particle swarm optimization algorithm
Zilu He; Yiji Liu; Qi Liang; Yundong He; Xin Chen; Xiongzhu Bu; Miaomiao Xu
Wavelet transform and damped recursive least squares method for measurement uncertainty evaluation in EV charging pile meters
Bo Li, Yaohua Liao, Renjie Guo, Zhengxing Li, Zhiming Gu, Xuanding Dai
High-resolution waveform synthesis based on phase-amplitude mapping
Xin Ai, Zaiming Fu, Hanglin Liu, Dexuan Kong
Effect of TM3+ ion doping on the possibility of Bragg resonator inscription using an excimer laser
Krzysztof Skorupski, Piotr Miluski, Damian Harasim, Jacek Klimek, Patryk Panas, Piotr Kisała
Crack detection of high-strength wind turbine bolts based on fiber Bragg grating sensors
Yu-Tao Chen, Peng Zhou, Li-Yun Chen, Guo-Qing Gu, Li-Ya Dai
A digital background calibration method for time-interleaved ADCs based on frequency shifting technique
Yanze Zheng; Sitao Mei; Sicheng Sun; Yijiu Zhao
Robust RTSS-based esprit method for low frequency oscillations analysis
Hanjun Deng, Mouhai Liu, Minqi Yu, Dezhi Xiong
Comparison of different types of maximum power point techniques for photovoltaic systems
Mariusz Ostrowski, Janusz Mroczka, Kamil Płachta
An adaptive estimation of ground vehicle state with unknown measurement noise
Yan Wang, Xuan Sun, Dong Cui, Xianfang Wang, Zhijuan Jia, Zhiguo Zhang
Objective method of measuring resolution of image intensifier tubes
Krzysztof Chrzanowski; Bolesław Stafiej
Stability and predictability of the Zener reference voltage standards: long-term experience by the Lithuanian National Metrology Institute
Andrius Bartašiūnas, Rimantas Miškinis, Dmitrij Smirnov, Emilis Urba
Influence of the selection of the approximating function of thermometric characteristics on the measurement results of thermal resistance of power MOSFETs
Krzysztof Górecki, Krzysztof Posobkiewicz
Construction of asymmetric confidence/uncertainty intervals using semivariance on the example of traffic noise indicators
Bartosz Przysucha
Quantification of microstructural homogeneity in indium arsenide epilayers by X-ray diffraction
Sebastian Odrzywolski, Marek Andrzej Kojdecki, Sebastian Złotnik, Łukasz Kubiszyn, Jarosław Wróbel
Evaluating metrological performance of a pressure balance utilizing a high-precision force transducer: An experimental study
Shaker A. Gelany; Gouda M. Mahmoud
Fourier transform usage to analyse data of polarisation plane rotation measurement with TFBG sensor
Grzegorz Kozieł; Damian Harasim; Marta Dziuba-Kozieł; Piotr Kisała
Kintex UltraScale’s multi-segment digital tapped delay lines with controlled characteristics for precise time-to-digital conversion
Robert Frankowski, Maciej Gurski, Ryszard Szplet
Improving the efficiency of soft electron ionization by using the oscillatory movement of electrons
Ze-Jian Huang, You Jiang, Xin-Hua Dai, Ming-Fei Zhou, Xiang Fang